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From promises made to promises kept. Read all about Governor Seyi Makinde’s achievements in education under Omituntun 2.0 as he marks five years in office in continued service to the good people of Oyo State..

Promise Made


In the next four years we plan to build an additional 30 model schools and construct/renovate 1,000 classrooms in Oyo State. We will be paying particular attention to the siting of these schools to reach more underserved areas. 

The Oyo State Government has earmarked the sum of fifteen billion naira (N15,000,000,000.00) annually, starting with the 2024 Budget, for infrastructural renewal (classrooms and basic infrastructure) in public primary and secondary Schools in Oyo State.

The Special Adviser on Education Intervention has been saddled with the responsibility carrying out needs assessments in public primary and secondary schools in the State to identify schools which need infrastructural interventions within the State.

We plan to reduce the number of out-of-school children by a further 20% through targeted interventions in the next four years.

The Oyo State Government has sustained free education in public primary and secondary schools across the State to ensure that access to education is not hindered by the payment of fees.

The on-going Better Education Service Delivery for All Additional Financing-Transforming Education System at State Level (BESDA AF- TESS) project in the State is also targeting reduction in the number of out-of-school children. To this end, the Executive Council approved N934,785,182.60 as counterpart funding for BESDA AF-TESS on 23 April 2024.

We will further improve access for special needs students, orphans and the vulnerable by 5%.

The State Government give honorariums to special schools in the State.

  • Establishment of an additional nine (9) nomadic/migrant schools to the existing ones across the State.
  • Establishment of monitoring of special schools in the State.
  • Provision of monthly subventions for the feeding of pupils in hostels for children with disabilities.
  • Production of brailed textbooks for visually challenged students in our secondary schools.
  • Distribution of brailed textbooks and equipment to the special schools is in the pipeline.
  • Presence of a sign language expert in the department.
  • Procurement of modern teaching equipment for special schools.
  • Approval of the recruitment of 100 caregivers for special needs schools was granted by Governor Seyi Makinde in May 2024.

Within the first year of being re-elected, we will domesticate the national curriculum with a focus on the five subjects that we want to improve outcomes for our students

The Senior Secondary School Education Commission Act enacted by the Federal Ministry of Education is in the process of being domesticated in Oyo State with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology working with the Ministry of Justice to produce the executive bill that will be sent to the House of Assembly. 

We will institutionalise the recruitment process to be fair and without political interference such that teachers’ replacement will happen half yearly. 

The half yearly recruitment has not yet been achieved. However, the recruitment of 7,000 primary school teachers by the Oyo State Universal Basic Education Board (Oyo SUBEB) was approved by Governor Seyi Makinde in May 2024 to address the manpower shortage.

Governor Makinde also approved that teachers that were seconded from SUBEB be permanently integrated into the Oyo State Teaching Service Commission (TESCOM) without any further delay.

We will strengthen the workforce through training and upskilling programmes, especially for teachers in rural areas. These programmes will be targeted at implementing the hybrid language use that will improve learning outcomes.

The State Government in collaboration with various training providers such as the Educational Advancement Centre (EAC) organised training for teachers throughout the State on a zonal basis targeting an improvement in learning outcomes. Efforts have been put in place to ensure that more is done especially on usage of hybrid language.

Laptops were distributed to EMIS Officers, TESCOM, SUBEB, and Local Education Offices.

Motorcycles were procured and distributed to support School Officers in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, TESCOM, and SUBEB.

We will ensure the continuous accreditation and re-accreditation of courses in our tertiary institutions to make Oyo State the standard for education tourism in Nigeria.

The Oyo State Government ensured continuous accreditation and re-accreditation of courses in our tertiary institutions. All State-owned tertiary institutions are fully accredited.

We will continuously maintain a reasonable fee system and ensure occasional reviews that will keep tertiary education accessible.

To ensure the fulfilment of the promise made to make tertiary education accessible to indigenes of Oyo State, the Oyo State Government has put in place a working mechanism with the Governing Council of all state-owned tertiary institutions that are to monitor and oversee the fees being charged and review occasionally. This has a positive effect on the enrollment, maintenance and running of the institutions. 

We will introduce the pilot of a State backed student loan system, within the first year of being re-elected, in collaboration with the private sector, that will enable children of the poorest of the poor to access university education. We will pilot this programme with 100 students, three from each LGA and one selected by the State Government. 

Not yet commenced.

Presently, the Oyo State Government sponsors five indigent students per Local Government Area across the State to the Abiola Ajimobi First Technical University, Ibadan.

Working with Schools Governing Boards, we will install an accountability system within three months of re-election that will ensure that state grants are disbursed in a timely manner and that the schools use these grants as expected and that teachers go to class (especially in rural communities).

The Schools Governing Board are ensuring accountability and transparency in the management of the school grants released by the Oyo State Government. 

There is also a community development approach through School Based Management Committee in the ongoing BEDA AF-TESS to reach out to rural communities.

We will continuously explore partnerships with the private sector to adopt State owned schools and support these schools to ensure quality delivery of education. 

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the State government is partnering with some leading education service providers in the private sector to transform the education system in the state. viz-a-viz:

a. OyoShine project for Basic Education

b. CL4STEM project for Secondary Education

c. Microsoft Educator Project for tertiary institutions. 

We will further explore partnerships with communities and old students’ associations that will see these communities and associations running the schools with the government maintaining oversight of their activities. 

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology continues to engage with old students’ associations who are interested in running their alma maters in the same way that Government College Ibadan old students are running that school.

We will maintain the 15-20% allocation to the education sector in each budget from 2023-2027. 

In the year 2024 budget, 20.88% was allocated to education.

We will ensure that UBEC counterpart funds are allocated and paid in full at the appropriate time every year.

UBEC counterpart funds of N1,395,784,959.14 was approved by the Executive Council for year 2023 to enable Oyo SUBEB receive a matching grant of the same amount for infrastructure development of basic schools. 

We will create linkages with international tertiary institutions to expand the frontiers of learning.

Efforts are in place through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and Microsoft Educator Project to reform all tertiary institutions in the State. During the reformation process, it is believed that frontiers of learning would be expanded and create many more opportunities to the system. 

Within the first six months of being re-elected, we will create a dedicated fund for the maintenance of school infrastructure which can be accessed by schools through the Schools Governing Board. 

Not yet commenced.

We will strengthen the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system to ensure effective monitoring of service delivery in the education sector within the first year of being re-elected.

The current administration appointed ten (10) Permanent Secretaries/Inspectors General of Education and ten (10) Permanent Secretaries/Tutors General for effective monitoring of schools in all the ten Educational Zones across Oyo State. 

MECLOG- using digitalisation process to monitor and supervise the education in the State.

Honourable Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology – Prof Abdulwaheed Adelabu Salihu